Available Toys

We offer a large selection of dog toys and if you cannot find what you are looking for contact us as we have more toys available than what is shown. For prices please get in touch


Large Toys

Orange Extreme Huggie Toy

Blue Extreme Huggie Toy

Large Meerkat Toy

Ricky The Raccoon 23”


Jumbo Kong Stretchezz

Jumbo Kong Stretchezz

Kong Cozie Moose 12”

Chucky The Chimp

Rabbit in a hat Toy

Tweed Cuddler

Dylan The Natural Dog 15”

Wildlife Crackler 18”

Kong Tug Very Strong

Squeaky Spacehopper



Pheasant Large

Pheasants Small

Mallard Large

Goose Large

Swan Large

Shakers Duck S

Honkers Turkey L

Kong Jumbo Birds

Fernando Flamingo

Ancol Heritage Duck

Dazzle Duck

Fluffy Owl

Honkers Duck L



Large Tuggie Ball

Kong Squeeze Ball

Kong Squeakair

Kong Sport

Fetch Dog Toy

Ball Thrower

Sling and Throw Toy

Kong Squeezz 13kg/30kg

Kong Action Squeezz

Kong Squeezz

Kong Flex Ball

Space Lobber

Kong Rope Squeezz

Kong Twistz

Squeaky Ball

Squeaky Dog Toy

Space Lobbers

Spikey Ball

Bionic Ball

Bionic Bone


Kong Toys

Kong jumbler

Kong Bone Frisbee

Kong shaker red squirrel

Kong Frisbee

Kong Large Tennis Shoes

Kong Small Tennis Shoes

Kong Wild Knots

Kong Wild Knots

Kong Snugga Wubba

Kong Crunchee

Kong Racoon

Kong Squeak Stud Med

Kong Chew

Kong Bounzer

Kong Shells

Kong Action Squeezz

Kong Squeezz

Kong Sport

Kong Squeezz 13kg/30kg

Kong Flex Ball

Kong Rope Squeezz

Kong Twistz

Kong Comfort Hedgehog

Kong Comfort Duck 18”

Kong Cozie Aligator XL

Kong Tug Very Strong

Kong Snuggles

Kong Comfort Bears

Kong Cozzie

Kong Stretchezz

Kong Wubba

Kong Comfort

Kong Knots

Kong Patches

Kong Mini Chicken

Kong Comfort Ducks 24”

Kong Cosie Moose XL

Kong Soft Sea Crunch Octopus/Turtle

Kong Shaker

Kong Wild Knots Bird

Kong Stretchess

Kong Squeak Stix

Kong Weave Knots

Kong Tugs

Kong Pocket Cosie

Kong Crackle Pig

Kong Wild Knots

Kong Pup Squeak

Kong Scunch Knots

Kong Shakers

Kong Dodo Tough

Kong Wubbs

Kong Snugga wubba

Kong Wubba Small

Kong Comfort

Monkey Knots

Comfort Lion

Comfort Pig


Cosi Brights

Kong Crumpls

Kong Scrumply

Kong Cozie Beaver

Kong Knots Lion

Kong Wubba Xl

Kong Wubba Sml

Kong Wubba Friends XL

Kong Wubba Friends L

Kong Wubba L

Kong Wubba Mandrill L

Kong Wildknots Bird

Kong Octopus L

Kong Wubba Friends Sml

Kong Cozie Pastel Med

Kong Wubba Friend L

Kong Cozie Brights Med

Kong dodo

Kong Tugger Moose

Kong Crunchie Sheep

Kong Scrunch


Kong Scrunch Sml

Sloth Extra Large Tuggz

Jumbo Marvin Extra Large

Kong Scretchez Extra Large Bear


Latex Toys

Doggy Doolittle pigs

Doggy Doolittle little pigs

Space Lobber

Squeaky Ball

Latex Pig

Squeaky Dog Toy


Fluffy Toys


Shaky Badger and Fox

Sock Monkey

Safari Squeaker Giraffe

Crunchy the Dog

Opossum Toy

Soft Dog Toy

Doggie Long Legs

Rabbit Toy

Bird Toy

Raggy Dog No Stuffing

Chatterbox Bird

Road Rage

Squirrel Toy

Rabbit Toy

No Squeaker

Hedgehog Toy


Sheep Toy

Soft Toy

Elephant Toy

Monkey Toy

Rainbow Cube

Toy Bundle 1

Toy Bundle 2

Toy Bundle 3

Toy Cupboard Duck

Timothy the natural Turtle 10”

Crocodile Toy

Long Dog Toy

Crunchy Husky

Squirrel Ring

Stufferz with Bottle Inside

Parrot Toy

Soft Dog Bow Toy

Fluffy Owl

Pheasants Small

Pheasant Large

Swan Large

Goose Large

Mallard Large

Rabbit Large

Wildlife Flyers


Road Rage Fox

Flying Fox



Soft Bears

Toy Selection

Rope Rabbits

Sock Monkeys

Crinkle Lion

Cockerel 14”

Long Leg Frog



Wild Rustle Toy 24”

Wildlife Toy

Crinkle Chimp


Raggy (Stuffing Free)

Seamus Sheep 10”

Rabbit Toys

Crinkle + Squish Sweep

Rabbit Toy

Monkey Flat Friend

Crazy Crocs

Squeaky Toys

Squeaky Toys

Squeaky Toys

Fluffy Toys

Dinosaur Croc

Curly Fox

Duggy Dog

Aromadog Calm Dog

Dorris Donkey

Dillon Dog

Fluffy Toys

Fluffy Bear

Declan Dinosaur

Felix The Fox

Fluffy Bottles

Cool Pet


Loofah Dog

Beer Bottle

Cool pet Elephant

Larry Lamb Chop

Dandy Dude Hogg

Cool Pet Feathers

My Dog Monkey


Dandy Dude Buffalo


Misc Toys

Gum’y’ Stick Large

Strong Robber Toy 10”


Perky Pig (Tough)

Flamingo (Tough)

Strong Durable Floats Med